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Name Jinshifeng
Designer Superjustinbros
Gender Female
Age 22 (Arc 6)
Nationality Chinese
Height 6ft

Jinshifeng (金獅馮, Jīnshīféng) is a character in the Aozora's Adventure series.

Background[edit | edit source]

In a rural Chinese village, a young black-haired girl named Jinshifeng was born into a large family known for their long heritage of impressive sword fighters with access to aerokinesis. Being a woman, she was not taken seriously as a potential fighter in her future, unlike her cousin Shiroxun. Thus, she received far less training and was forced to study and expand her mind to stay productive. She was a quick learner and showed how vast her genius was time and time again, all the while becoming frustrated and jealous of her cousin for receiving extra care. One day, bandits would arrive, causing a ruckus in the face of the citizens in the town square when they refused to pay their fares. Jinshifeng would hear the chaos from inside and grabbed the nearest sharp weapon she could find to try and stop them. By the time she makes it out, Shiroxun was already there gradually fighting them off with his own set of skills. Hearing steps behind her, Jinshifeng turns around to see a large raggedy man with his arms apart lunging at her. She counters with a swing of her blade followed by a mildly strong blast of air from her arm, pushing the bandit back and making him topple into a nearby well. Jinshifeng looked around realizing her cousin defeated many foes as she barely handled one herself. Disappointed in herself, she dropped her weapon and storming off.

A year later, Jinshifeng’s family would attempt to push her away from becoming a fighter, frustrating her and provoking negative thoughts and memories of when she attempted to save the village with Shiroxun. She felt thoughts of despair, wondering if she would ever become strong enough for her family to finally respect who she wants to be. She went on another walk to clear her head, this time taking a route deeper into the developed and urban part of the town. Jinshifeng would stumble upon a Korean barbecue food cart and exclaim that she has never smelled such an amazing delicacy even comparing it to the high class foods back home. The owner began speaking to her and asked if she remembered him, mentioning that he was the man who owned the shop that she saved from the bandit last year. As she began to say she didn’t do much and was about to compare herself to Shiroxun, the man exclaimed that it was nonsense and she was the real hero in his eyes, encouraging her to continue to chase her dreams.

With her spirits lifted, Jinshifeng found a mysterious flyer on the side of a building. The flyer was promoting “Project Lotus” (蓮花計劃, Lianhua Jihua), a project created by a militaristic corporation that aimed to transform anyone with a sharp mind but lacking in physical prowess into fearsome war machines. More detail was printed on the back of the flyer but its details were impossible to make out with the diminishing sunlight. She pocketed the flyer and returned home to read the full details in privacy, making out that the project would provide special personalized combat suits and armor worn on the head, arms, and legs. Pondering to herself on if it was worth applying, she began to research the project in secret, called the number printed on it, and headed out one day when the rest of the family was away. The family would return and notice Jinshifeng’s absence, with Shiroxun noticing the flyer on her bed. They attempted to call her through her cellphone to no luck, and with no further option, Shiroxun went and called the number printed on the flyer, recording any feedback. A man answers and says “Jinshifeng? I thought you already went to the site?!” Shiroxun replies “What?!” and the mysterious man hangs up. Playing back the call, Shiroxun recognizes the busy and noisy background as the food district and immediately storms off.

Meanwhile, Jinshifeng arrives at the black site, a small black building with a very small waiting room-like lobby and a single elevator. The elevator had a single operator with access to a remote control asking for the numbers printed on the flyer. After riding down the elevator, it opened into a giant warehouse filled with jade-colored exosuits resembling mechanical armor. Jinshifeng to look around, seeing people testing out prototypes from hulking armor and immobile artillery to the complete opposite with skintight bodysuits. As she passed through the corridor, she noted that every person was wearing a body-forming suit with large Chinese characters printed on the upper legs or arm with a codename, ID number, and testing records. Soon after, she was called by name into an office. A masked man was sitting at a desk and calmly said “Please take a seat, I don’t bite.” She sat and before she could ask about his mask, he chimed up, saying “Please disregard my appearance, I hope someone as intelligent as yourself can recognize the importance of anonymity. You have caught our attention with your brilliant mind, I’m assuming you took note of our prototypes while walking to come see me. We are trying to better the world and would love if you could help us. We are ready to declare resources and funding if you can help us develop the breakthrough we’ve been struggling with.” She would reply with an immediate “Yes” but was very clear that she just wants to advance herself and make a difference. As the weeks passed and Jinshifeng got a suit of her own, she would make leaps and bounds in robotics advancement and technology, creating a working MK-I prototype that’s able to be field-utilized. In her excitement, she returned to the office but forgot to knock on the door, bursting in on a meeting for weapon sales and the future use of integrating their Project Lotus for warfare.

Jinshifeng was spotted by the masked boss and she asked “I-I thought this was for the medical program!?” He responds “I appreciate you and this program would not exist without you… but you should have remembered to knock.” Just then, an explosion shakes the building from the main entrance of the facility and Jinshifeng shouts out to the rest of the units in panic that they were all being tricked, revealing the true purpose of their mechs: for war. This would cause the older and loyal members of Project Lotus to start fighting the younger researchers and testers, forcing them into their respective mechs to start a large battle. As Jinshifeng rushed to her MK-1 Prototype to join the battle, a familiar, enraged shout could be heard from the elevator. “Shiroxun?!” Jinshifeng called out as Shiroxun blasted open the wall, yelling “Jinshifeng!!!” in response. The two proceeded to tag alongside the younger members of Project Lotus, overcoming the old blood’s raw power and exposing the organization for its ties to the criminal underground. In the end, Jinshifeng and the surviving members escaped to the surface with their mechs intact, and Shiroxun took the time to apologize for how he treated her in the past.