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Name Noodle
Designer Superjustinbros
Gender Female
Age 21 (Arc 6)
Nationality Japanese
Height 5ft, 4in

Noodle (ヌードル) is a character in the Aozora's Adventure series.

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Noodle carries a supply of small spherical bombs crafted from material used in traditional Japanese fireworks. The resulting “Firework Bombs” have less effectiveness than traditional explosives but allows for Noodle to build them in greater quantities and at a low cost. Instead of being designed to be as powerful as possible, the bombs are designed for scattering targets so Noodle can follow up with other attacks and propel herself by getting caught in the blasts- chaining additional bombs in mid-flight for additional distance.

Noodle’s signature weapon is a firework bomb built to a larger scale- roughly double the size of Noodle’s smaller bombs. It is adorned with a rainbow fuse that emits colored smoke when lit. When it explodes, the firework bomb erupts into fireworks and launches anything within its vicinity a large distance. Noodle’s baggy pants and heavy-duty boots are lined with explosion-proof liner, giving her better protection from the blasts of the firework bombs, including the large-scale firework bomb.

The large firework bomb is big enough to be stood on by Noodle and used as a propulsion device to launch herself great distances. Since the explosion is fairly loud, Noodle must cover her ears with her hands or plug them with her fingers before she lets it explode next to her. She is only able to hold one of these firework bombs at any given time do to their sheer size and power, as well as needing space to carry her smaller firework bombs.